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Myofascial Integration Approach


Visceral Manipulation


10 Hours



Learn to RESOLVE

Abdominal Post-Surgical Adhesions, Organ Dysfunction and Postural Distortions 


In Visceral Manipulation you will learn the Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of each organ and how to work it extensively. This course also covers techniques to resolve abdominal and post-surgical scar tissue. This work can correct a myriad of seemingly unrelated disorders including postural distortion, numbness, tingling, organ dysfunction and assist with detoxification.


This remarkable work may be what your practice has been missing!



Each teaching segment will include:


-  Introduction to the Viscera


-  Theory, Function and Dysfunction of the Organ System


-  Locating, Evaluation and Documentation 


-  Myofascial Preparation Techniques


-  Neuromuscular Preparation Techniques


-  Integrative Techniques Demonstrated and Practiced



Includes:  Full Manual, Seminar and Certificate!


This is a HANDS-ON, Interactive seminar.  

Prepare to work and be worked on!



For more information call 

(912) 268-6001





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